Saturday, 7 October 2017


Today, I like to discuss about factors of the plant death...💦

I know everyone who like to planting had experience with dead plant...

It will be curious right if that plant wither..


So, the factors is : 

1) Ground drought

All creatures need water for life including plants.

Failure to supply water as dry soil can cause dead trees. There are many species of plants that can survive in dry soil conditions or uncertain watering tables. However, the failure to supply enough water when the plant starts to sprout can cause young shoots to wither and subsequently cause the plant to die.

2) Overflowing

One of the main reasons for plants in vases is to die because it is overflowing. Fertilizers often cause the roots to stay wet, thus becoming damaged. The damaged roots cause the plant to fail to absorb the water and nutrients needed. The end of the tree becomes wilted, the leaves fall and eventually die.

3) Excessive sunlight

Plant deaths caused by the sun's rays occur to plant species originating in the shade or sheltered, transplanted to the exposed areas of direct sunlight. The sudden change in temperature causes the leaves to be broken and scorched, so the tree can die.

4) Lack of light

Plants need sufficient light for photosynthesis activities. Depth of illumination in the house is like in the living room or corner away from the window, though it does not kill the plants in short periods, but such an atmosphere causes the leaves to quickly turn yellow and fall. The rate of plant enlargement becomes retarded and will not be flowered. To ensure the freshness of trees in this area, change it every two weeks.

Thursday, 5 October 2017


We meet again..🙋🙊

Today, I want to share with you guys how to take care of bonsai..

I want to share the way to keep it because many of us now like to plant bonzai. This is because of its unique shape and mystical appeal that many find in the bonsai tree. A bonsai tree is the term Americans use to classify any miniaturized tree that can be grown and cultivated in a container. ... This is part of the appeal that some find in bonsai trees.

Caring for a Bonsai tree is not nearly as hard as is commonly thought. However, as Bonsai trees are planted in small pots a few basic guidelines have to be followed when watering, fertilizing and repotting your trees.

To make good and good bonsai plants, good care is needed as well. Here are some ways to care for bonsai plants to stay awake.

1)  Pot Replacement

Bonsai is grown in shallow pots, so it is always necessary to replace pot. It aims to encourage the growth of new roots.
If replacing the pots used to plant bonsai, choose the pot that is larger. The goal is to accommodate the growth of bonsai.
Pots should also have holes below which allow the excess water to flow out of the pot. This hole serves to prevent the bonsai root from being submerged by water.


When watering the bonsai, try not to overeat because it can cause the growth of mushrooms and roots to become rotten.
But, bonsai should not be too dry as the bonsai can die. One way to check the moisture level is to brush the toothpick into the planting media.

3)Weaving and Pruning

Surviving is necessary, but be careful because if too much exposure to sunlight, bonsai can even be damaged.
Bonsai should get the right treatment between watering, sunburn and pruning, so that bonsai remains of good quality and healthy.
In addition, weeding is also needed, especially if there are weeds in the planting media. To prevent weeds, it is advisable to provide moss on the surface of the planting media. Green moss can also function for humid indicator of planting media.

After that we also have to cut trunks, branches, twigs and bonsai leaves. This is done to form a bonsai according to the wishes. Pruning is adjusted to the needs and conditions of its own bonsai.

If the growth of the bonsai is fast, the trimming can be done once a month. However, if the growth of bonsai plants is slow, pruning is done twice or three months.


The fertilization of this bonsai plant should be done with the right dose. Recommended fertilization is done once a month.

Fertilizer that can be used is NPK or urea, adjust to the needs of its bonsai trees. In addition to fertilizers for the plants, give leaf fertilizer as much as three times a month.

5)Pest Control and Disease

Pests and diseases on bonsai plants should be removed immediately. If it does not eat pests and the disease can spread and will damage the entire bonsai tree.

Pests that often attack bonsai plants are caterpillars and brown planters. The easiest way to remove the pest is by spraying insecticides.

Pets like cats, chickens and dogs can also be pests for bonsai plants. These animals can damage the bonsai plants by clawing or stepping on the trees.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Hello everyone..
Today I want to share tips how to plant with correct techniques.

What is the right technique in tree planting? 

1)  The first thing is the land used. 
The most suitable soil should have the characteristics of a lush, tender and hollow soil texture as it allows for airflow or exquisite ventilation, a good water drainage and facilitate the root of the crevices to find nutrients and food.


Good land also needs to contain the necessary water, air and food sources. Often have a balanced nutrient. Additionally, the soil should be free from pathogens or pesticides and toxic substances.

Before the soil was mixed, the main component needed was loam soil (ground above 0.5 meters above ground level with pH5.5 to 6.5), organic matter, sand and base fertilizer.

2)  The use of organic matter is important to help absorb water, as well as sprouting soil and promoting the development of micro organisms. Sand is needed as it helps ventilate and drainage. Let's use rough sand like river sand.


3)  Planting in pots
For planting in pots, use pots with pits while non-perforated vases are only suitable for aquatic plants such as jasmine and cattail.
Before starting to put in the pots or stone debris to prevent the mixture from getting out of the soil as well as preventing the running water from flowing to the ground.

Then add a one-third mixed clay pot. Then cut the bottom of the polybag into a nursery and plant in a pot. Timber mixed soil to cover tree root and ready to decorate the site.

In addition, the use of pots can be used for all types of trees according to their respective tastes and tastes. However, make sure the root balls are not broken or damaged.

  • "Repainting can be practiced for long trees in pots to save the tree or reproduce the tree".

Tuesday, 3 October 2017


Hello everyone..
Today I do not know what to story because I have too much work to do.. So we just relax and chill👌..haaahaaa...

by the way ,,next post I will share the ways to plant the tree correctly .. I know there a bit boring if we only talk about animals..

So,, see you guys next time..


Sunday, 1 October 2017



We meet again.. 🙋.. 

Today I just want to share about how to take care of rabbit.. Its because lately, more and more individuals are attracted to keep rabbits on a variety of factors, especially due to their misbelief. This can be seen through the number of visitors in the growing blogs of rabbits, the number of members in the home page of rabbit-based books increasingly crowded, rumors of night markets or downtown are getting more and more. However, anything that all should know is the preservation of the rabbit is not as easy as A, B, C, to buy, to eat and to let.



1) Give food and clean water daily. The provision of quantities of food varies for rabbits under 5 months with rabbits at 6 months and above. Rabbits that are under 5 months old need to be adequately fed, while 6 months or more should be measured by the size of the pellet depending on the weight and age of the rabbit. Timothy is good for rabbits 6 months and above as a staple food, which is an unlimited gift, both during the day or night. Whereas hay alfalfa is good for rabbits under 5 months and for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. This is because alfalfa contains good protein content for growth. Wet vegetables and fruits can be given as a 'treat' to your rabbit, but in very little quantities. Night time is the most active time for a rabbit, so the rabbit will eat more at night. So do not forget to provide enough food and provide clean water that is converted daily.

2) Clean the rabbit cage regularly. The dirty cage will not only invite bacteria, fungi and pests as well as harm the health of the rabbit, but even yourself.

3) Pay attention to your rabbit every day. Play and spend time with your rabbit at least once a day for your rabbit to be loved. If you plan to travel or go anywhere, make sure there are individuals who can help you to keep your rabbit.

4) Prepare the game for your rabbit. No need for expensive stuff, just a bunch of unused tissue, or bell and let your rabbit play with it. Surely the rabbit will invite your smiling smile.

5) Perform health checks at animal clinics. Routine rabbits checking to animal clinics should be done, at least once every 6 months. This is to ensure that rabbits are given immunization against dangerous diseases such as ringworm and worms.

6) Release your rabbit at a pest-free page. Make sure the rabbits are left free in areas where there are no predatory animals and pests such as cats or worms.

7) Provide comfortable cage space for your rabbit. Do not place a rabbit in a cage that is too small or too large a rabbit in a cage. Make sure the rabbit is placed only in each cage to facilitate the task of monitoring the health and process of mating your rabbit.

8) Rabbits do not need to take a shower. Like many other animals, rabbits will clean themselves. However, if the rabbit is too dirty, it is enough to use a dry shampoo that does not rinse the rabbit shampoo. It is feared that unusual bunny rabbit will die suddenly due to the shock of changes in body temperature.

9) Hold the rabbit in the right way. Do not hold the bunny by raising both ears only because in the rabbit ears there are millions of nerves that are feared if miserable will harm your rabbit. Grab the back of the rabbit's body and cover the rabbit's body with one hand again or the rabbit hug like the cats (if your rabbit does not kick and scratch).

That all. Congratulations on keeping the rabbit. 😍😘

Friday, 29 September 2017


Hello guys..
We meet again.. 🙋 Today i want to share video about magpie with you.. But, this is not my magpie.. 

Oh.. So cute right?? Haha.. This magpie is very expensive.. 
I am not capable for now..😣
But I hope one day I will have 2 of this magpie..😉
Haahaha.. 😊
Wish me luck..😘

Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Hello guys..
Today I want to share with you all facts about animals that we didn't know..

1) Did you know, ants never sleep and it will work out to relieve the body every morning.

2) Sharks can live up to 100 years.

3) When an adult rhinoceros open the mouth, the opening area is sufficient to allow a 1.25m boy stand in it.

4) Elephants sleep only 2 hours a day, but Gorilla and Cats 14 hours!

5) The leech of the moon has 4 noses!


6) Bird Penguin can swim as fast as 24 KM per hour.

7) None of the Lions and Spiders have the same feathers and shapes.

8) Whales can swim for 3 months without eating.

9) Oyster can change sex.

10) The bees can live only 40 days except in the winter it can live for 3-6 months.

11) The Kuda Belang has a very interesting color combination that is black and white, But the basic color is WHITE.

12) The camel has 3 layers of eyelids, this can protect the eyes of the desert.

13) A worm has 8 hearts.

14) The cow is a color blind animal

15) Ostrich eggs are the largest eggs in the world. Measuring 6-8 inches per 1, if boiled it will take about 40 minutes to cook.

16) When we poison the ant, the insect must fall to the left.


17) Hamster only squint in one eye at all times.

18) The butterfly has no stomach.

19) The hedgehog will float if it is thrown into the water.

20) At birth, panda bear children are smaller than a rat. Weighing only 113 grams!

21) Female mosquitoes can live up to 100 days while males only 10-20 days.

22) Although the crocodile's energy is shutting its mouth so strong that it can break our bones, but the muscles that act to open the mouth of the animal are too weak that we can hold the mouth of the Reptile and prevent it from being open with only one hand.

23) The snake can not blink the eyes, the Reptile also will not pierce when in the water because it can cause it to drown.

24) The lizard is a lazy animal. This animal uses 80% of its life just to sleep!

25) The rhino can lift 850 times its weight while the man wants to lift the weight twice as much as to get out of the stomach.

26) A adult hedgehog has 30,000 stems on his body and is replaced every year.

27) A turtle can live up to 100 years

28) Unbelievable elephants, but contain 40,000 muscles!

29) The butterfly feels eating it first by foot.

30) Female rabbits can control the surplus of the population by absorbing the embryo into the body.

31) Crocodile can not go back.

32) Tigers can run as fast as 110 KM per hour.

33) Butterflies can detect the smell of 11 KM away.

34) Mound Mondok can dig a hole as low as 91 m within 1 night only. If 5 nights, how many m? 10 mlm? 20 nights? How much? The answer is just fine .... Take the calculator, just do it yourself ..

This proof of the power of Allah SWT .. 😊